Saturday, 7 September 2013

My Pet.. SCOOBY.. I have decided to write about Scooby.. my cute little boy Scooby. He is a black lab at my mamma’s home. Honestly my whole family is crazy about dogs from my grandfather to my father and now my bro and me. Its been almost three dogs in my family from their times and Scooby is fourth one. 

Me and my mom had gone for shopping on a bright Sunday. After coming home from shopping what did we find at our home?? It was a cute little puppy roaming here and there. Initially we thought that bro had bought it from someone but then dad told us that we have really adopted him..!! 

Everybody at home was happy except my mom. As she don’t like dog breed much. But soon he became a family member. We all were surprised to see new activity each day done by him. Someday he would play hide n seek and someday he would play chase game. When we use to reach home after long time he use to jump and play with us very joyfully. Actually Scooby is very active dog, I must say. His cute little tail, his cute puppy face had taken all attention. In very short time he became an important member in our family.

After almost one year dad appointed a trainer for him. He taught many commands to Scooby like sit, sleep, stand, belt, etc., after that there were no bounds and limits for him. When dad or bro use to take him for walk he use to walk like tiger on road. Going out of home is like heaven for Scooby. He gets very excited and shoes different kind of energy. 

That scooby..!!
5 and half years now, that he is spreading love at home. He has been with us through all good and bad times. It is actually nice to have a pet at home, may it be a dog, cat, fish,birds or anything. It gives different pleasure. And worth mentioning that my mom who initially hated Scooby is now loving him like her own son. ;(

Many more years to go toghether.

What pets do my friends have??? Do share in comments.


  1. Scooby looks beautiful.
    We have 2 goldfish as pets and they are called Goldie and Ginnie :)

  2. No pets here Akanksha... We're a completely non animal family. Yeah I've heard how they become family members but none of it for us!


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